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In a study of prostitution, the majority of prostitutes state their own sexuality, sexual interest and money are the primary factors they chose their kind of work.

Half of the woman of the streets in a brand-new survey say they ended up being woman of the streets because of sexual curiosity, and 68 percent consider their type of work as part of their sexuality.

" While there's no doubt that cash is the primary reason for the females becoming prostitutes, it is extremely unexpected that sexual motivation ranks so extremely," says Jens Kofod, who holds a PhD in sociology and is a researcher at SFI-- The Danish National Centre for Social Research.

He was responsible for the study and the subsequent report, 'Prostitution in Denmark', which also exposes that Denmark has less prostitutes than anticipated and that the majority of street woman of the streets are foreigners.

No child abuse
Ladies became woman of the streets for several factors, however they often feel stigmatised by society as requiring aid to stop their work (less than half of the prostitutes have thought about stopping), instead of society respecting their choice of work.

Kid abuse is typically considered a reason for prostitution by the media, political leaders and general public, who feel the woman of the streets require aid to stop their work.

The survey produced no clear conclusion on this-- some woman of the streets were abused as children, others were not.

4 groups of prostitutes
The SFI scientists calculate that there are a little over 3,200 prostitutes in Denmark, which is fewer than expected, for instance because some woman of the streets work at numerous clinics.

The researchers divide the prostitutes into four groups:

• Female escort prostitutes (about 900).

• Male escort prostitutes (no figure).

• Female center woman of the streets (about 1,600).

• Street woman of the streets (less than 600 immigrants, few Danes).

A bulk of female escort and female center woman of the streets offered sexual interest as a factor for entering prostitution; numerous had terrific interest in sex before ending up being prostitutes.

Nearly half of the female escorts and just over a sixth of the clinic woman of the streets began their work since they saw an opportunity to make money through sex.

Street prostitutes, nevertheless, draw another image: they are not in business for the sex however to handle problems such as substance abuse.

Working for money
Regardless of the sexual drive, the primary reason for prostitution in all groups is money.

" Money is pointed out by 85% of the prostitutes," says Kofod. "Some need to spend for housing, food and day care for their kids, others need to pay for their drug abuse, while others desire an extra week's holiday abroad.".

A common story, according to the researcher, is that a guy divorces a woman and takes all the money, and the woman then sees prostitution as the only way to make money.

A more nuanced picture
" Our research study shows that prostitution is a far more nuanced photo than we have previously thought," he states.

" Firstly, we have actually cut in half the estimated number of prostitutes in Denmark. Secondly, the general public dispute about prostitution as bad rascals or delighted hookers is distorted-- most prostitutes are somewhere between these 2 extremes.

" The woman of the streets have commonly differing lifestyles and factors for website their work," says the scientist.

About Douglas Crawford Law
Our Las Vegas, Nevada based law firm handles Criminal Law, including Drug Crimes, Sex Crimes, prostitution defense, DUI, DWI, violent crimes defense, white collar crimes, record sealing, battery domestic violence and theft; we also handle Family Law, including Divorce, Child Custody cases, Child Support, Alimony and Spousal Support, Guardianships, Prenuptial Agreements, Adoptions, Termination of Parental Rights, and Relocation cases.We also handle personal injury cases. We are pleased to offer our services in the Las Vegas Valley, including Summerlin, Henderson, Downtown Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Green Valley, Spring Valley, and Boulder City Nevada.

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